Gross-Out Defenses
Ewwww! Discover some of the gross things animals do to defend themselves! From a horned lizard squirting blood out of its eyes to escape from a wolf to a skunk making a big stink to stop a fox from attacking, these books are filled with incredible photos and fascinating information that will pique the curiosity of any emergent reader.
Interest Level | Kindergarten - Grade 3 |
Reading Level | Grade 2 |
Genre | Nonfiction |
Copyright | 2009 |
Publisher | Bearport Publishing |
Series | Gross-Out Defenses |
Language | English |
Number of Pages | 24 |
Dimensions | 10 x 8 |
ISBN | 9781642808797 |
Title Format | Paperback |
Author | Various |
Biography |
Glossary of key words |
Index |
Table of contents |
Full-color photographs |