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Cover: Deadly Poison Dart Frogs

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Deadly Poison Dart Frogs

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If you spot the bright colors of a poison dart frog, beware! These animals ooze a toxin from their skin that can kill their attackers. How did they get their name? Their venom is so deadly that hunters in South America rub it on the tips of blow darts to make them poisonous. These are just some of the fascinating facts kids will discover as they explore the world of these deadly creatures. Large, eye-popping photos and clear, grade-appropriate text engage emergent readers as they learn about the unique and gross ways poison dart frogs protect themselves. A section in the back of the book profiles another animal that protects itself in a similar way, to help reinforce the concept of defense mechanisms.

Interest Level Kindergarten - Grade 3
Reading Level Grade 2
Genre High-Interest, Nonfiction
Copyright 2017
Publisher Bearport Publishing
Series Gross-out Defenses
Language English
ISBN 9781944998424
Title Format Paperback
Dewey 597.87'7
ATOS Reading Level 3.9
Guided Reading Level K
Lexile Reading Level 830
Scholastic Reading Counts Level 4.4
AR Quiz Number 124263
Author Jennifer Dussling
Glossary of key words
Table of contents
Full-color photographs
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