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Cover: Oops! Accidental Inventions

Oops! Accidental Inventions

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$47.94 $47.94

Accidents aren’t always failures or flops. What happens when an oops turns into an achievement? Follow along on the discovery of accidental inventions.

Carefully leveled text paired with engaging photos teaches readers how some of their favorite everyday items were made by accident. From cookies to sticky notes, an accident can lead to something amazing!

Title   ATOS Format Qty
Oops! Accidental Inventions (6 titles)
Cover: Bubble Gum Bubble Gum
Cover: Chocolate Chip Cookies Chocolate Chip Cookies
Cover: Ice Cream Cones Ice Cream Cones
Cover: Microwave Ovens Microwave Ovens
Cover: Spray String Spray String
Cover: Sticky Notes Sticky Notes
Interest Level Kindergarten - Grade 1
Reading Level Grade 1
Genre Beginning Readers, High-Interest
Copyright 2023
Publisher Bearport Publishing
Series Oops! Accidental Inventions
Language English
Number of Pages 24
Dimensions 7.75 x 7.75
ISBN 9798885094627
Title Format Paperback
Author Catherine C. Finan

SLJ Series Made Simple Review of Oops! Accidental Inventions

Readers who’ve never heard the iconic Bob Ross-ism “We don’t make mistakes, just happy little accidents” will see that concept come to life in this clever, engaging series.

Some of these accidents, like bubble gum, chocolate chip cookies, and ice cream cones, have led to the invention of some very tasty treats. Chocolate chip cookies are notable for being the only featured invention created by a woman, Ruth Wakefield. Sticky notes came to be only because their inventor failed first—his super-strong glue came out way too weak. Microwave ovens and spray string strayed from their original intent, too.

These books illustrate the lesson all good science teachers strive to impart: Sometimes we learn the most from our failures. Helpful pronunciation asides encourage readers to sound out vocabulary words phonetically before they’re defined in the glossary.

Verdict: Worthwhile additions where young STEM-minded readers roam.

Table of contents
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