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Cover: Wild Baby Animals

Wild Baby Animals

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Cute! Cute! Cute! There are few things as cute to young children as other baby mammals--especially the ones featured in this series! Developed by literacy experts, each 24-page book features controlled text with age-appropriate vocabulary, grammar, and sentence structure for emergent readers. Colorful photos closely aligned to the text and popular, grade-appropriate topics guarantee that kids will gain confidence in reading while learning all about some of the cutest wild baby mammals around.

Title   ATOS Format Qty
Wild Baby Animals (1 title)
Cover: Tiger Cubs Tiger Cubs 2.5
Interest Level Kindergarten - Grade 3
Reading Level Grade 2
Genre Nonfiction
Copyright 2011
Publisher Bearport Publishing
Series Wild Baby Animals
Language English
Number of Pages 24
Dimensions 6 x 7
ISBN 9781642808995
Title Format Paperback
Author Ruth Owen
Glossary of key words
Table of contents
Full-color photographs
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