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Cover: Uncommon Animals

Uncommon Animals

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Tired of the same old books on the same old animals? Enrich your collection with these fascinating titles about some of the most uncommon and rare animals in the world! Kids will follow real-life scientists to the far corners of the globe as they discover the secrets of these mysterious and often misunderstood creatures. Written in an engaging narrative style, Uncommon Animals will grab readers as they are introduced to some of the most amazing, and least known, animals that ever lived.

Title   ATOS Format Qty
Uncommon Animals (2 titles)
Cover: Arctic Fox Arctic Fox 4.6
Cover: Aye-Aye Aye-Aye 4.9
Interest Level Grade 2 - Grade 7
Reading Level Grade 3
Genre Nonfiction
Copyright 2009
Publisher Bearport Publishing
Series Uncommon Animals
Language English
Number of Pages 32
Dimensions 8 x 10
ISBN 9781642808971
Title Format Paperback
Author Various
Detailed maps
Glossary of key words
Table of contents
Full-color photographs
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