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Cover: Arctic Animals: Life Outside the Igloo

Arctic Animals: Life Outside the Igloo

Format List S/L Price Qty
$41.94 $41.94

Life in a freezing-cold, icy Arctic is full of challenges, and the animals in this dramatic series are built to survive its extremes. Each title focuses on one animal and explores how the animal is adapted for life in this polar region; what it eats; how it spends its days and nights; and how it raises its young. Vocabulary and content are expertly crafted to meet second-grade reading and science curriculum standards. Glossaries help build vocabulary, and bright, attractive photos will spark readers' curiosity about Arctic animals. Innovative, age-appropriate activities, critical-thinking questions, and easy-to-understand fact boxes keep the pages turning and the pace lively and interactive.

Title   ATOS Format Qty
Arctic Animals: Life Outside the Igloo (6 titles)
Cover: Arctic Fox Arctic Fox 3.7
Cover: Collared Lemming Collared Lemming 4.2
Cover: Harp Seal Harp Seal 3.7
Cover: Polar Bear Polar Bear 3.8
Cover: Reindeer Reindeer 3.8
Cover: Snowshoe Hare Snowshoe Hare 3.8
Interest Level Grade 3
Reading Level Grade 2
Genre Nonfiction
Copyright 2020
Publisher Bearport Publishing
Series Arctic Animals: Life Outside the Igloo
Language English
Number of Pages 24
Dimensions 10 x 8
ISBN 9781642808551
Title Format Paperback
Author Dee Phillips
Detailed maps
Glossary of key words
Table of contents
Full-color photographs
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