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With a nearly 12-foot wingspan, the largest flying bird on Earth is quite a sight as it soars over the ocean. But the albatross has very few muscles in its wings and makes it tens of thousands of miles in the air by mostly gliding. Albatrosses are awesome! Learn all about these amazing seabirds.

Interest Level Grade 2 - Grade 5
Reading Level Grade 3
BISACS JNF003030, JNF003000, JNF000000
Genre Nonfiction
Copyright 2022
Publisher Bearport Publishing
Series Library of Awesome Animals Set Two
Language English
ISBN 9781636911557
Title Format Paperback
Dewey 598.4'2
ATOS Reading Level 3.9
Lexile Reading Level 610
AR Quiz Number 512196
Author Rachel Rose

SLJ Review of Library of Awesome Animals

Playful chapter titles and occasional interjections like “yikes” and wow!" create a lighthearted feel in these animal profiles, but there’s also plenty of useful, well-organized information. The tone achieves a good balance between enthusiastic (“Elephants are eating machines”) and factual (“They eat for an average of 16 hours every day”) (Elephants). Physical features, behavior, and life cycles are described in the main text. Interesting tidbits about the animal’s more unique characteristics, such as the albatross’s ability to sleep while flying (Albatross) usually appear in photo captions or separate insets. Full-page photographs highlight different behaviors, with occasional close-ups showing specific unusual features noted in the text, such as the mandrill’s yawn (Mandrill). Threats to the animals’ survival are briefly noted where relevant. A closing “Information Station” page includes a range map, a comparative size diagram, and a bit about animal classification. VERDICT: Well-rounded overviews with a light touch that might draw more reluctant readers.

Glossary of key words
Table of contents
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