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Energy from the Sun

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The sun gives us light and warmth during the day. That's energy! But we can use energy from the sun to power things like lights, cell phones, or even our homes! Learn all about energy from the sun through simple, inviting text paired with vibrant images as you power up with energy!

Interest Level Kindergarten - Grade 1
Reading Level Grade 1
BISACS JNF051000, JNF013000, JNF000000
Genre Beginning Readers, Nonfiction
Copyright 2022
Publisher Bearport Publishing
Series Power Up with Energy!
Language English
ISBN 9781647478759
Title Format Paperback
Dewey 621.47
Lexile Reading Level 460
Author Karen Latchana Kenney

Arlington I.S.D. Review of Energy from the Sun

Energy from the Sun gives beginning readers an accessible look at solar panels and how they work. Readers learn that energy comes from the sun in the forms of heat and light.

They also learn how the basics of how this energy can be collected by solar panels. Positives and negatives of solar energy are also included.

Energy from the Sun is part of Bearport’s Power Up with Energy set that includes explorations of different energy sources including sun, coal, moving water, natural gas, oil, and wind.

It is written with supports for the youngest readers including direct text to photograph connections, concise text, and large print. Each two page spread includes three sentences and a directly related photograph. This book would support research projects for kindergarten through second grade students.

Arlington I.S.D. Review of Energy from the Sun

This book is part of a six-book series titled Power Up with Energy. The text is very simple and isaccompanied by pictures supporting the text. The topic of utilizing energy from the sun, is simplified intofour basic steps; 1) Light comes from the sun, 2) The light hits a panel, 3) Cells on the panel change lightinto power, and 4) The power can make machines work. The book provides a very basic introduction to solarenergy. This could be a good book for early readers, who are just beginning to learn about energy sources.

Arlington I.S.D. Review of Energy from the Sun

This book is part of a six-book series titled Power Up with Energy. The text is very simple and is accompanied by pictures supporting the text. The topic of utilizing energy from the sun, is simplified into four basic steps; 1) Light comes from the sun, 2) The light hits a panel, 3) Cells on the panel change light into power, and 4) The power can make machines work. The book provides a very basic introduction to solar energy. This could be a good book for early readers, who are just beginning to learn about energy sources. 

Glossary of key words
Table of contents
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