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Cover: How Can We Save Water?

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How Can We Save Water?

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What do brushing your teeth, washing your hands, and cleaning your clothes have in common? They all use water! But if we aren't careful, the limited supply of Earth's usable water may run out. How can we save water? There are some simple steps we can all take! What's up with water? Explore this curricular topic through simple text paired with bright, engaging photos.

Interest Level Kindergarten - Grade 1
Reading Level Grade 1
BISACS JNF037070, JNF037020, JNF045000
Genre Beginning Readers
Copyright 2021
Publisher Bearport Publishing
Series What's Up with Water?
Language English
ISBN 9781647474966
Title Format Paperback
Dewey 333.91'16
Guided Reading Level J
Lexile Reading Level 370
Author Karen Latchana Kenney
Glossary of key words
Table of contents
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