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Cover: Helpful Ladybugs

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Helpful Ladybugs

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What do ladybugs usually eat? Mainly they feed on other insects that are harmful to farmers’ crops. In fact, some farmers have put ladybugs in their fields to protect their fruits and vegetables from other insects. These are just some of the surprising facts children will discover as they explore the fascinating world of these helpful creatures. Large, eye-popping photos and clear, grade-appropriate text will engage emergent readers as they learn about the natural habitat, physical characteristics, diet, and behavior of this unique invertebrate.

Interest Level Kindergarten - Grade 3
Reading Level Grade 2
Genre High-Interest, Nonfiction
Copyright 2017
Publisher Bearport Publishing
Series No Backbone! Insects
Language English
ISBN 9781944998479
Title Format Paperback
Dewey 595.76'9
ATOS Reading Level 4.1
Guided Reading Level L
Lexile Reading Level 610
Scholastic Reading Counts Level 4.3
AR Quiz Number 120519
Author Molly Smith
Glossary of key words
Table of contents
Full-color photographs
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