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Rocks and Minerals

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We see pretty pebbles at the beach, and we can find rocks in all shapes and sizes in backyards and parks. But what are rocks made of? Where do they come from? Why are they different colors, and why are some rocks hard and smooth, while others are rough and crumbly? Using rocks and other everyday easy-to-find items, students will get the chance to be real-life geologists and carry out step-by-step experiments to answer these and other intriguing questions. As they do so, these young scientists will be observing, recording their observations, and drawing conclusions.

Rocks and Minerals includes seven experiments with detailed, age-appropriate instructions, surprising facts and background information, a “Conclusions” section to pull all the concepts in the book together, and a glossary of science words. Colorful, dynamic designs and images truly put the FUN into FUN-damental Experiments.

Interest Level Preschool - Grade 3
Reading Level Grade 2
Genre High-Interest, Nonfiction
Copyright 2020
Publisher Bearport Publishing
Series FUN-damental Experiments
Language English
ISBN 9781642807837
Title Format Paperback
Dewey 552
Guided Reading Level P
Lexile Reading Level 630
Scholastic Reading Counts Level 4.4
Author Ellen Lawrence

The Horn Book Guide Review for Rocks and Minerals

Concepts such as rock composition, formation, and erosion are investigated through a series of activities that, while popular classics, are at time weak analogies for geological concepts. The structure of the activities, however, encourages observation, data collection, and analysis. Color photographs of the models and answers at the end of the book will help children understand the ideas. Reading list, Glos., ind.

Glossary of key words
Table of contents
Full-color illustrations
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