SLJ Review of Space Revealed

The books in this striking series balance a page of text with either a large-scale image, several smaller images, or a diagrams depicting the information presented. Even the denser text pages tend to have background images, small inset pictures, or sidebars with diagrams and captions to break up the page. Diagrams of a comet’s orbit or planetary cores enhance understanding, but the images in Stars
& Galaxies of nebulae, the Pleiades, and the Whirlpool Galaxy are especially breathtaking. A “Review and Reflect” section at the end of each title includes comprehension questions (with relevant page numbers listed), and critical thinking questions to apply what was learned. There are also open-ended questions to prompt thinking and conversation around the content. For example, a question asks, “Why do you think humans wanted to travel to the moon? Would you want to go to the moon? Why or why not?”
VERDICT: A recommended purchase to update or expand collections.